Saturday, February 21, 2015

I Thes. 5:16-18 -- "Always rejoice, constantly pray, in everything give thanks. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. " (NET)

So sorry for the delay... This post was 90% complete when I got sick a month ago and was confined to my room for over two weeks, lying in my bed for most of the day. Only since last week have I been feeling better and now, I'm back in the full swing of things desperately trying to play catch-up!!!  Thank you for your encouragement and prayers while I was sick!

Here's old, but hopefully still interesting "news"...     :)

My time back home in the States (Part Two)...
There was a whole lot of celebrating while I was home this past break.  Although flying home earlier (in November rather than December) meant that I wouldn't be staying over the Christmas and New Year's holidays, I have no regrets about the decision I made to come home earlier.  Not only did it mean I was home in time to celebrate my church's 50th anniversary (see the post below which is actually Part One of this update), but I was also home for other very important occasions which I'd missed out on for a long long time. To start off with...

1)  It was the first time in 15 years I was home for American Thanksgiving!
Yes, you read that right.  First time in 15 years! In  January 2000, I joined Covenant Players and for the 12 1/2 years I served with them full-time, we were always on the road during Thankgiving.  After completing my full-time service with CP, I was only home for three months during the summer time and moved to Poland in Sep 2012 to serve as a missionary here.  So yes, 1999 was the last time I was home for Thanksgiving until this past Thanksgiving.

checking on the turkey

My dad unfortunately was not feeling well that day so my mom and dad stayed home while the rest of us went to my Auntie Pansy and Uncle Tim's house -- a long-time tradition for celebrating Thanksgivings and Christmases.  My cousin Clarice and her family moved to Georgia in July so we really missed their presence.  But it was still great to be with my aunt & uncle, my cousin Randy and his wife, Amy and their kids, and of course Bonnie and Sharon and Sharon's family.  Watching the kids play reminded me of all the crazy fun my cousins and I had whenever we got together.

very UN-traditional Thanksgiving sashimi  :)
It was a huge hit!

As you can see, we had the traditional Thanksgiving fare with the main dish being, of course, turkey.  However, we also had some rather untraditional international food ranging from starters like nachos & salsa to sashimi (raw yellowfin tuna) proudly caught and prepared by Uncle Tim. Oh yes, and Chinese dumplings as a side dish.  Crazy, huh? Welcome to our family get-togethers! They're always special!

There always plenty of food to choose from when we get together.  
If you starve, it's your own fault!

Can't have a feast without ice-cream!

One of the highlights of the evening was Skype-ing with Clarice and Ian and the kids. Of course it's not the same as having them present -- there is no substitute for presence.  But seeing their faces and hearing their voices did our hearts good.

2)  It was the first time in 15 years I was home for Daddy's Birthday!

For daddy's birthday, we took a short trip to San Diego where we arrived just in time for a two-hour sunset harbor cruise.  I'm so thankful God gave my dad enough strength to go on this trip. He had a pretty serious leg wound but by this time, God did a miraculous work of healing. It was a very special trip and we had a great time together as you can see from the photos! 
Daddy & his girls :) 
Grandkids bring big smiles to grandma & grandpa!

Grandpa gets a birthday gift from
his very loving grandson

After the sunset harbor cruise, we went to
Pier Cafe for daddy's birthday dinner.

(We helped him eat the dessert, of course!)

After a wonderful day of celebrating, grandpa along with his grand-daughters still had enough energy to entertain us.  Sharon's youngest daughter loves reciting a Chinese verse he's taught her, complete with hand-motions. Here they are -- a wonderful finish to the day!

3)  It was the first time EVER I was home for Aaron's Birthday!
The only reason I can't say it was the first time in 15 years is because Aaron just turned 11. :)

a pre-birthday trip to Magic Mountain

"Tia Bonnie" and "Yiyi" (that's me... his auntie in Chinese) along with our brother-in-law, Irving fulfilled his wish to go to Magic Mountain. Aaron's a roller-coaster maniac!!! He has no fear!!!  I couldn't go on half the rides because I get so motion-sick, but it was fun anyway.  And for his birthday we got him an annual pass. He was a very happy boy and it was a very special day -- not just for him but for his aunties, too because we love him so much. :)

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