Monday's Bible Study...
I'm co-leading a Bible Study that was started just three weeks ago. It's the result of a long-time burden and desire to see Christians in Polish churches further discipled (particularly young adults), a desire to be further used here in the church, and the request of one of the pastor's daughter to have a study group that would further her growth in the direction of life transformation. We're studying Paul's letter to the church in Philippi and it's touched me very much each week. It is packed not only with encouragement (which many Christians go to the book of Philippians for) but a call to live our lives in a way that is completely counter-cultural. Today we looked at Phil. 1:18-26.
Paul's statement here reflects his single-minded purpose as well as his greatest desire. While death and life are at complete odds with one another, they shared a common purpose and his desire remained the same in both of them -- to be with the Lord, to fulfill His will, His pleasure. Whether by death (through martyrdom) or by daily living, his goal & burning desire was to see Christ magnified. It's so different from most of the world's thinking and way of living. It has nothing to do with gaining glory for one's self nor satisfying every single want we have. It has everything to do with loving God with all one's heart, mind, strength, and soul -- the greatest command.
I've heard it said many times before that if we want to have a life that's worth living, we have to have something (or someone) in our lives that's worth dying for. I've also heard it said before that we should live every day as if it were our last. I think these two thoughts go hand in hand. If we want our lives to mean something, if we want each day to count, then we having to know who/what we're living that day for. My day means nothing if I've lived it only for me.
5500 lbs of food collected!
Over the course of Friday & Saturday, more than 2500 kilos (5500 lbs) of food were collected for families in need of some help. I was so blessed to see the generosity of people in Pruszcz & surrounding villages. I was also happy to see a good number of people from our church & people that come to our evangelization meetings come and help us with the collection & sorting. Instead of our normal youth meeting, the youth also took part in this and had a great attitude.
The following pictures are:
1) Carnations & a card from one of the families who are also good friends, given to me on the occasion of my one year anniversary of ministry in Pruszcz. You can see that the flowers match my wall. :)
2) Some of the food collected and sorted.
3) Packages from the food collection that are on their way to being distributed.
Make your day count!
Thanks for sharing Amy, and even starting your own blog :) Reading what God is doing is a blessing. <3 Jules